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Tyra Banks Online Feedback

Please take a few minutes to answer this questionnaire about my web page. I am always very interested in any feedback I get, as I use it to improve my site. The questionnaire is split into four sections, but please answer all of them. I am particularly interested in any comments you make, so please try to write some. When you have finished, simply click the 'Send form' button and the questionaire will automatically be formatted into a normal e-mail and sent to me.

Note: This form is now accessible to users without e-mail facilities

Section A: About you
Your name:
Your e-mail address:
What country are you from?
Section B: How you got here
How did you originally find this site?
If you used a search engine, which one?
How often do you visit?
Have you bookmarked this site? (Check for yes)
Section C: Rating this web site
Please rate the following sections of this web site...
Galleries : OK Good Excellent Crap
Video Clips : OK Good Excellent Crap
Articles : OK Good Excellent Crap
Interviews : OK Good Excellent Crap
Please rate the design aspects of this site...
Presentation : OK Good Excellent Crap
Navigation : OK Good Excellent Crap
Please give your overall rating of this site...
Overall rating : OK Good Excellent Crap
Is this the best Tyra site on the Internet? (Check for yes)
Section D: Comments
Is Tyra your favourite female celebrity? (Check for yes)
Any comments?
(How could this site be improved)

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